
Get Involved withGateway Care

Your time & money matters. Make an impact in your community by getting involved with Gateway.
Gateway couldn’t exist without our huge family of supporters, donors and volunteers.
The financial aid we receive makes a big difference in how we can impact families in crisis. However, if you prefer to donate your time and energy, we’d love to see you volunteer as it also helps families on the Sunshine Coast doing it tough.

Ways to Get Involved

One Time Donation

Want to make a positive impact on the Sunshine Coast Community? It really is as simple as making a donation. No amount of money is too small or too large!
Donate Now!

Regular Giving

If you feel moved by the causes Gateway Care promotes, we would very much appreciate your support. Set up your donation to Gateway Care today.
Set Up Your Regular Donation

Corporate Sponsorship

We invite corporate partners to join hands with Gateway Care in our mission to rescue and redistribute surplus food, creating a positive impact on both the environment and the community.
Speak To Our Donations Team

Fundraise For Us

Help us fundraise for the Gateway Care program and make a difference in the lives of people doing it tough by providing them with essential support and resources.
Find Out More

Provide Food

Our team rescues over 40,000kgs of food each week from local grocers, suppliers and supermarkets. If you’d like to donate or supply food get in touch below.
Speak To Our Warehouse Team


Come in and see how you could change a life by volunteering at Gateway. So many opportunities to volunteer that will have a major impact to the Sunshine Coast community.
Speak To Our Volunteer Team

Thank You to our Donors & Partners

What Members Say

Gateway has seen rapid growth over the last 15 years, particularly during the global pandemic. People need a hand up now more than ever. Here are a few of their stories.
I love Gateway because the staff are friendly, they have a great variety of food and it is so affordable!
I love Gateway for what it does for the community. I love the friendships I have made here!
Since coming to Gateway I have been so totally blessed... every time I leave the store I feel loved and hopeful... like everything is going to be ok...
I love Gateway because they are so friendly and they truly want to help others.
This voucher will get my kids and myself through this week. Thank you for your generosity - you really helped us out! I am very grateful!
D. Bates
Gateway is so good for me as a pensioner! I wouldn’t be able to survive without Gateway. Everyone is so kind to me... I love it!
I love volunteering at Gateway because of the community involvement and the service we provide for people in need!
Wow! Amazing! Thank you... the RACK voucher made me cry!

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